well.. last nite after logout.. i went down to d kitchen.. ckali apanah mkn th ku mee goreng yg mama amal bgi b4 i leave dr rumh nya. huhuhu.. n it was almost midnite i guess. then i went back 2my bedroom... jeng jeng jeng.. aku mkn Yan yan hahaha den pastu tarus mlimpang dkatil n tdur w/o minum air lgi.. ytah tdi pgi rakat rasanya leher ah haha ...
Well, down here is few good rules 4u my darling ladies to lose some pounds.... for ur info sja tu. i found dis articles in my junx unwanted email yet 2b useful... i guess... have a read..
“Three Simple Steps to Thin”
will help you...Lose extra pounds safely-once and for all
STEP ONE: Flush false fat by banishing wheat. One of the most common food allergens and a major cause of false fat in many women is wheat. Wheat contains a protein called gluten, which is difficult to break down, absorb and assimilate... all of which can trigger fatigue, depression, bloating and intestinal gas.
The good news is it’s now easier than ever to steer clear of bloat-inducing wheat. This week, try substituting breads made with rice, millet, amaranth, quinoa, or soy and oat; crackers made with rice or potatoes; pasta made with rice, quinoa, or buckwheat; and cookies made with rice, oat or millet flour. You’ll find plenty of delicious options in your health food store or healthy aisle of your supermarket.
STEP TWO: Knock out your appetite. Most diets will tell you to avoid fats. But did you know that some essential fats help you feel full and can even reduce your appetite? It’s true. Fiber is also known for this. One of my favorite foods — flaxseed — packs a one-two punch providing both of these good things. It’s full of omega-3 fatty acids and an excellent source of fiber — I think of it as one of nature’s most perfect foods. Plus, the essential oils in flax may also help do wonders for your skin. In fact, I’m such a fan of flax that if I were stranded on an island, and had to choose one food to survive on, I’d choose flaxseed hands down.
Flaxseed is a small seed that resembles a sesame seed. You can use it in a variety of ways — but it must be milled or ground for the nutrients to be released. I recommend four to six tablespoons daily, alone or sprinkled on food. Milled flax tastes great in hot or cold cereal, on salads, pasta, or in shakes.
Let me explain the roles fat and fiber play in weight loss. Fat provides more calories than protein and carbohydrates, is used more slowly for energy, and helps to maintain satiety for longer periods of time. I recommend you consume adequate amounts of good fat (omega-3 and –6 essential fatty acids) while dieting, and studies confirm that a moderate fat diet (25%-35% of calories from fat) is effective in losing weight. In addition to their appetite-suppressing abilities, they may also help promote normal brain function, and may improve mood and emotional state, a big plus while losing weight.
Fiber is an integral part of weight loss. It increases bulk and helps reduce appetite, producing feelings of satiety. By slowing the release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, fiber also helps keep energy levels consistent and high. Sufficient fiber helps support good colon function and helps to eliminate wastes that are released during weight loss. It also helps to bind and flush out excess fluids and estrogen, which I firmly believe contribute to fatty deposits in women.
From fat and fiber, to flax and fullness, sometimes even the smallest things can lead to big changes in your health for better or worse.
STEP THREE: Shift into high gear. You’ve flushed out the false fats, now it’s time to rev up your metabolism, and start burning fat and calories more efficiently. You may be surprised to hear that along with its antioxidant properties, green tea can help you burn calories as well. Green tea contains special chemicals called catechins. These catechins may protect a brain chemical related to metabolism. The higher your levels of this brain chemical, the greater your metabolism and the faster you burn calories.
One cup of brewed green tea contains about 100 mg of catechins. To reap the full benefit of green tea, I recommend consuming at least three eight-ounce cups daily (to provide roughly 240-320 mg of catechins). If you prefer not to drink the tea, either of these options provides the same level of protection: 1) 300-400 mg daily of green tea extract. Be sure the product is standardized to 80 percent catechins and at least 50 percent epigallocatechin (EGCG). This extract is not always caffeine-free; check the label. 2) 100 mg of green tea catechins, taken three times daily. This product is caffeine-free.
By: Susan Lark, M.D.’s
p/s: apakn flaxseed ani? i google it udah msih jua nda ku catch wats dat thing exactly n where can we get them here in Brunei...
ok gtg.. kn mandi.. kn ngantar keta servicing th ku ni..