askum.. yatah bah ah hany ah.. wre's everybody? where is me jua hehehehe..
last few weeks kn blogging ku..tpi evrytime i switchd on my lappy..on msn, den batah2 tunggu FS loading to open its page..mcm fell asleep bh..mcm nda tahan kn dduk batah2 or tiarap batah ngadap monitor... been vry BZ BZ BZ...
huh.. ani ckit2 udh settle as days past by.. but still more things need 2b settle down..
1. im BLUR jua to take or not to take it
2. my mum mcm nada restu (cewahh..) mcm nda nyuruh..tpi ujung ayatnya 'mnsja ko lah'... she said if ko BNR2 kn kawin in few months ani mnsja... coz even if ku ambil msani..i wont be staying there 24/7.. kira sja2.. but den she said syg jua kna ptung gaji $130 tiap buln, n hav 2pay ur bils evrymonth.. baik plg dsimpan duit atu.... mcm balnk th ku kn buat dcision..
3. udh indung ckp cmatu atu.... pyh th kn buat dcision krg if i take it ada karma hhehhehe.. "kn syurga bwah tpak kaki ibu" ...huhuhuhu..
tpi perfect condition udh rumh atu, 2tkt.. 5rooms on d 1st floor + 1amah room downstairs..compound pn ok muat jua 10buah kreta mun bsusun.. and the actual owner of d house is just next door on d left of d 1st pix.. slangkah gnya bah..tpi ytah tu..hav 2rject jua bh.. tunggu tah ku cnfirm kn blaki ku apply lgi
more updates... i confirmed join d national jamboree scout camping at negri sembilan dis dec.. 11th - 22nd Dec.. last 2days atu rehat d KL dey said.. only 8nights 9days camping Negri9.. i am appointed to become d penolong ketua kontingen 4our scout rombongon... (burinnngggg... i was xpected 2become d peserta sja... ani nah.. tpaksa th migang tugas n tanggungjwaappp... busaannn) nda apa wahhh... bule blajarr n cari pengalamann... n 4ur info guys tambang kna bayarkan.. camp fee US$150 nda sure eh..kna byarkn x jua tu ah? mun udh kna appoint as sum1 atu.. (coz in d 1st place, i dcided join dis trip utk buang stressn frustrated 4d past few things happened to me few months ago.. u kno gurlz.. so indirectly.. its all on OWn expense tu d trip atu...) so i jes need to standby some pocket money... tho d holiday n shopping part will be ahead in end Dec.. mustahil juakn nda mbali2 kn after camping atu.. at leastttt...
ok gurlz.. dats all up on me at d moment... God Bless Me n Us all...This post was originally created on
DATE: 11/25/2006 10:31:23 PM
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