The moments when we alwez 'lepaks' and dis girl alwez been as a 'timer shooter'... mcm dis 2mths ckali 2 x sja jmpa ia atu pn tclash sj nya ktani hi hi bye bye... nway krg mlm we r goin 2hav d treat from her *Congratulations 2u*.. as usual FunBread Cafe... napa nda at d new CheezBox atu? hehe demanding...
Makan 'AMBUYAT' have been always my FAVORITE!!! dis one masa mkn beriuh-riuh drumah my nini dKampung.
Ani lgi siukkk... ear candles... dis was during December holiday last year..santai-santai drumah my cousins n we were all belawan2 sapa plg byk n basar ear dung nya hahah.. [at d salons d ear candling service mostly range about B$40-B$50, so mahal!] we were having dis for free with Loughing Out Loud.. luckily mine nda memalukan haha, thank u Ears.. hehe

another December treat last year.. jdi Duyung d JIS swimming pool with my cousin n anak-anaknya, since my cousin work there so can just go swim sana. suppose im going today, tpinya cancel. d only bad thing bout swimming.. i will get SUNBURN on my skin!!!! even if i apply inches of sunblock.. i dunno why.. ive always experimented on that.
anyway.. nothing much for yesterday as i spent most of d time bgn mkn tdor. mlm Jumat me n Dwn went to FunBread cafe [psl tsliur Baked Pasta nya, n b4 that we met cKom dmasjid n she dint want to join us psl ia mkn udh b4 she came].. spot d odd on d picture?
d plate was 'SUmBinG' i bet u all bruneian now whta it means right... bukan nya apa mun pkai tani mkn drumh nda jua papa, but still if drumah pun BUKAN UTK TETAMU. i was born wit dis quote from my mum "nda kuasa mengidangi org dtg sama cawan pinggan sumbing" logically its UGLY n shows little respect to ur guest... mcm apanya kitani "SEMBERANA"..
apatah lgi d restaurant yg ala-ala cozy n xclusive, anyway.. i still enjoyed my food bsides trying to ignore d ugly-sight of d plate... Nasib nyaman! mun nda lgi condemn hehe..
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