sorry 4d quality of dis pix, took it thru d front glass window of my car while waiting for her to buy our fav drinks, hehe jgn marah dat u dint know i snapped dis.

nothing much as of today... had an appoitment wit gf
Dwn.. we suppose to meet by lunchtime arnd 12 tdi.. but due to certain circumstances yang major [hahah aku tabiat n malas2an kn mandi].. i fetched her at 230pm ka tu Wen? atupn ya btabiat kn kluar rumh!! d miscal dh awal. well our appointment today psl kn survey SLR camera.. we ended up by giving my fon no. to Guan Chuan 4d new stock to come. Den i sent gf to Menglait to picked up her Prado in d workshop n we met again in Qlap. tpi b4 atu we went to another gf's ofis [
Viv] to drop sumthin 2her.. n tarus offer Ezway.. hehe..iski jua kmi atu. after dat we drob by at Yayasan to check d Queue at FunDOnuts.. errmmm a big no no! kira melawati lh sja syasyapun..baik plg ya bgi cctv n display dluar so nda pyah turun kreta to mke sure Q pnjg p nda. nda ja?! oh yea b4 atu jua i spent about an hour or so dkadai sport making order of uniform bju sport tuk my club..ngaleh mrunding indon atu spya bgi harga murah hehe at least i got free for my lettering on my back of d T. it was about 530pm.. kmi klaparan to d max kn Wen kn heheh.. so we stopped by at Ziznaa Restaurant at 1st Emp 2nd floor kh tu. mine was Meetiaw claypot... nyaman la n Roti Ziznaa [French Toast Like, but tabal lgi ruti nya, all time fav dri dulu..nyaman] Dwen suppose orderd Claypot Rice..tpi yg dtg claypot mee hehe tpi ia mee nya yg kuning. baik jua mood kmi nda pmarah msatu..but we did called up d waitress bout d wrong menu... so smpai knyang jua mkn nda abis. + kanyang bcerita jua.. tpi byk jua tani diam ah psl ngaleh n klaparan brabis..
The Claypotsss
nway tdi i was checking 4my kains, thinking of hantar ke tailor.. mcm kn mtung tuk raya jua plahan2.. dun wan tto spent much dis buat smuaaaa baju kurung biasa coz need to save up on other things [plan A? hehe] ckali ruah punya ruah ['ruah' brunei vocab means find] n kumpulkn.. ada 20 kains i hav alom bputungg uuuwaaaaaa.... not all specified special ocassion kains.. few cheap kains for 'baju kraja' ala-ala bju basahan la tu... of all ada 6 batik.. yg lain washable silk, thai silk, kain souvenir from mama msa naik hj n ckom msa d KL.. but STILL ada napsu kn mbali kain mun kekadai kain.. girls=kains=WASTE! hahaha anipun ada lgi yg ampai2 after i collected them all... reason for these?? kata-kata kn mutung... considering manatau sampat slim..yth syg kn mtung... however some even ada yg being kept for 2-3yrs udh ni kain ah..matik eehhhhh
nwayyy... tata..ngantokkssssssssssssssssssssssssss
1 comment:
bkn aku lambat kuar .. ko yg lambat nginfom haha .. n yes we were like kelaparan tahap hantap haha
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