i was awaken by my cousin's call last night about 11pm... asking for my senior colleague's phone number (because he was my cousin's neighbour, and the brother is the owner of cousin's place). He urged me to wake to listen to what he was saying last night (hehe coz paham2lah bgn tdur ani palau..krg lain dtanya lain ku jwap). anyway... he told me that there were thieves breaking in into his house (somewhere in Kilanas)!! He and family was late for home as he was at his in-laws family in Belait. Maybe the burglar/s has already been eyeing on them, tautah diliat nya orang muda ganya laki bini tinggal with the babies.. and often not home. So, the burglars strategically planned their 'work' earlier and waited for the right time... When i sms them early this morning asking for any loss 'duit and amas2an, banyak jua ulehnya'. hmmm ksiiannn...
well the same thing happened also sometime last year at his sister's place being robbed (somewhere in sg.Tilong, if im not mistaken).. her loss was Amas2an (gold jewelleries), babies hamper and clothings (that time ia pregnant), Jubah and Baju Nikah nya. like what baju nikah? it supposed 2b a sentimental value for a woman to keep their Nikah dress..tpi kana curi.. whats the point? untuk dijual? pakai sndiri? to be given to their wife? ishhhh nda juakan mbagi hadiah barang curi.
Whatever the burglars' objectives are... INDA BERAKAL! civic and morals are something that we dont really need to learn and certified. Good deeds and behaviour are natural!!! kenapakan..dzaman yang bertamadun ani masih ada yg berperasaan utk menyusahkn orang atu. *buh im starting to emo*
anyway, MrsKaryawan also told me this morning that yesterday there were two pencuris SIANG-SIANG mencuri rem sport dpn rumah durang (at Tutong). Corolla Merah KN42*7, when asked to the authority, the registration number was invalid and not registered.
Well talking about non-registered vehicles (wah melarat aku ah, hehe), my colleague's car was being hit-and-run by a foreigner (coz there was a witness who saw the incident, and left note on my colleague's car), kreta repair sendiri, plate number checked was a 1976 motorcyle registration, and the car who hit hers was Daihatsu lama.
ok enough on this... its lunch time break now... tata...
Virtual Weekend Offers
3 years ago
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