this is wat i have last saturday 1st september 2007 when we had our food fiesta in our office.. when each of us brought their own menu.. afterall it looks like a messy buffet hehehe.. why i brought this Kerang masak kicap? coz this is one of my fav n dat time i was tseliur 2d max to hav this..
have a guess wats dat object? True! thats blueberry cheese cake i bought at Funbread Cafe Gdg, can u see my steering car there? yup i placed d cake on my lap n munched them while im drivinggg... kpisan kannn... nda mau2 nya bh kn makan nda sabar2 nyummmm..mau bali lgi krg eh.
this one shot thursday 6th sept.. when my bro was goin 4 his Al-quran closing ceremony or Khatam at masjid UBD as part of his Convocation Day soon.. u can see no typical Talur ayam on it.. its purely candies and choki2.... we ordered from our aunty plg tu mnta buatkn.
this is Cek Mat.. Cylinder Gas Mascot that wondering around the ICC exhibition area.. so annoying of her.. but cute.. yg calinya my fren try to langgar her..n she was about to topple down jua balancing her body... ytah tu nah luan annoying...
sorry ladies for d blogging delay... ive been the very very busy these past 3weeks.. stayed at the office as late as 6pm everyday.. n luckily today will be our last day on duty at our booth in ICC for the Energy Week 2007... well at d moment im not feeling very well... but im last thursday... i was very2 cold.. paksa bkumpal dlm slimut ksajukan eventho hari panas mbahang msatu. like i slept for 20 hours starting 10am.. i went home early asking for permission... errmmm what else ah..
ComCom... belanjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1k ahhh!!!
congratz to my beluved fren for winning the 1K Hsbc being spotted on their car.. baru ya rezeki mlimpah ruahhh..
Virtual Weekend Offers
3 years ago
1 comment:
haha atu dang nda sabar2 kn mkn .. habit smula jadi tu haha
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