I Like Her Body!!! coming soon in March, DUYUNG her first comedy film with APEK. Click for DUYUNG review.
Btw i kno most of know LOLOQ penulis lirik malaysia ah.. meninggal yesterday! Click HERE for d story updates on it. Al-Fatihah.
Btw i am SO TIRED AS USUAL!!! get home almost 5pm..for non-stop work from 715am til 430pm. later will go to Pusat Belia at 730pm for Scouts Meeting... i need a back massage..
“Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life”
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Here & There
Monday, January 28, 2008
AJL 22
Of ALL i like this one on AJL.. n i like his Daring Red Suit...buh! jgn bh aku suka merah lapas ani.. after all dis while im so ANTI of red.. heheh
N 2b honest i dun like Estranged SOng "ITU KAMU" tapi lawa tia jua live nya dlm AJL di mlm atuu.. different arrangement daripada yg slalu ku tedanagar dradio..
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Unpaid Clorets :)
assalamualaikum... trying to blog in pure brunei malay here.. napakn tu ah otomatik bh kn spiking ah tau plg ku hinglis ku nda lawa n full of grammatical error.. anyway..
Friday, January 25, 2008
thank God its FRIDAY!!! its d moment of Thursday morning.. when i woke up n said d 1st thing in mind " yyeeaaaa its friday tomorrow.. syukur alhamdulillah". The next thing i woke up at almost 10am Friday. went down to d kitchen n had my cornbeeef fried rice n watch Astro Oasis was it. Program 'Transit @ Singapore' for about 30mins. Then my mind went on imagining of a trip to SIngapore with d girls yg alum kesampaian..kan kan kamo kan.. hehe..
Right after that i switched off d tv n went straight heading MY PRECIUOS BED. n SLEPT til 330pm.. i got a headache.. OVERSLEPT??? yea right! i dun need anything else now other than FRIDAY & SUNDAY.. I LOVE FRIDAY N SUNDAY after d KILLING WORKING DAYS!!!!
2 Things thats unpredictable i guess.. as part of my inconfident but very willing 2008 resolution [hehehe...] hoping to lose weight n get back in shape this year with my buziness n 'unintentional wookoholic' days. SO d 2 unpredictable result to that are 1] i will b very buzy n depress n tension with tonnes of workloads n MUNCHED everything n had my meal like 8 times per day for self-'ketenangan' n rest in BED right away! 2] i will b very busy with no time n thought of FOOD, taking in meal time just in need n small proportion, literally that will b a positive result.
So far JANUARY ani.... eerrrrrrmmm..... cana ah??? i guess 50-50 i eat less n eat more certain days. n improvement in 5% less night eating habit... BETTER THAN NOTHING kan hehehe... remember we start with a small step for a long journey. Hope i can make it this year. Though PARUT thing is really a very slow progress to get rid off.. i mean my BLOATED BELLY..
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Need A Gun!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Hanya Ingin Kau Tahu-Republik
im into this song nowww.....
im bz n exhausted n tend to emo!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Mini Hangout
Sunday, January 13, 2008
menyambut TAHUN BARU
took from email forwarding.........
some blacklisted celebration , other than celebrating Valentine's Day is New years Eve..
Friday, January 11, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
well dis year we spent 3era of hijrah years... 1428, 1429 n later by end of d year we'll celebrate another hijrah 1430.. im sure we grow old with it also.. hhmmm..
anyway, amaln hijrah 1] Minta keampunan ke atas kesalahan lalu. 2] Berazam untuk meninggalkan perbuatan dan sifat-sifat buruk. 3] Berazam untuk meningkatkan amalan- amalan yang baik. 4] Baca doa akhir tahun dan doa awal tahun.
*Ya Allah, semoga Kau sentiasa melindungi, memberi pntunjuk dan rahmat pada diriku dna org2 dskelilingku, djauhkn dri sgala bentuk perbuatan jahat org lain, membuka luas pintu rezeki kmi dan dkurniakan kesihatan yg baik serta dsembuhkan dri sgala penyakit zahir dan batin* amiinnn..
[May we all bcoming a good muslim n muslimah].............
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Happy Birthday to my Beloved MAMA today.. she got my surprise this morning in front of her bedroom door... i acted ignorantly since d very morning we sat down and cerita2 in d dining room. then i took d chance to go upstairs to place d Birthday Gift in front of her door... hehehe.. taadaaaa~~
May Allah bless u n keep u in good health.. AMinnnnn
*hope this post succeed this time.. after many times i'd try to make new post d message box seems not working...
Anyway..its still not late 4me 2greet u all HAPPY NEW YEAR... "mudahan everything getting better n better..."