Untuk Renungan...

Sesiapa yang ingin mengetahui kedudukannya di sisi Allah, hendaklah dia memperhatikan Allah di dalam hatinya. Maka sesungguhnya Allah menempatkan hamba Nya sebagai mana hamba itu menempatkan Allah di dalam hatinya..

About Me

*Typical Bruneian *Pengusut *Double Trouble *willing to be adventurous *bad english grammar *started blogging using Friendster in 2006 *blog about ANYTHING *hate reading manuals *Major interest: Soto, Ambuyat & Sleeping *Photography, Shopping and other as minor interest *Wish to master in Photoshopping but babal *i wish i am someone..


Your Name Is Pretty Sexy! :)
Your name scored 114 in the "How Sexy Is Your Name Test"


a: The length from your wrist to your elbow is the same as the length of your foot.

b: If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feel thirsty.

c: The bones in your body are not white - they range in colour from beige to light brown. The bones you see in museums are white because they have been boiled and cleaned.

d: There are more than 600 million telephone lines, yet almost half the world's population has never made a phone call on a land line. However, more than half the world's population has made a cell phone call. There are more than 2 billion cell phones in use.

e: There are more than 150 million sheep in Australia, a nation of 17 million people & New Zealand is home to 4 million people and 70 million sheep.

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“Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life”

Sunday, October 28, 2007


assalamualaikum my dear readers... soory for d late a.k.a malas update since last Ramadhan... its not that i dint go online..i did.. almost everyday tho not that everyday i logged in to check in my blog...i jes managed to read n see whats in others blogs hehehe... in mind like i do myself have so many to drop things in here n snap few shots for d purpose of blogging.. but in d end.. M.A.L.A.S!!! mcm so lazy to typed in n constructing sentences.
anyway i uploaded few pix randomly... those pictures took sepanjang Syawal.. sorry for the blurry vision..do not adjust ur monitor brightness/contrast heheh.. i took d pix onnly using my camera from nokia E65... apa jua fon tani atu Wen ah heheh..alum tbali Nikon SLR wkekeke.. nxt year shopping list anyway camera atu..insyallah..

1st Day Raya at my residence-Me&cousins
1st Day Raya at my residence just for family openhouse
this are my cousins, sampat pose after kanyang makan
1st Day Raya at my residence-more cousins, intake kanak2 :)
1st Day Raya at my residence-my handsome uncle n cousin
1st Day Raya at my residence-Some menu on display:
plain rice, terung tumis, umbut tumis, corn soup, smbal belachan+timun+bendi, daging kari, ayam sambal, fried mee and entah apa kah lagi...
1st Day Raya at my residence-more cousins, aunts n uncles chit chatting n enjoying their food
3rd Day of Raya-buang boring sambil pose while beraying at my mum's fren house at Lamunin.
4th Day of Raya-i had my blood donated to the RIPAS hospital. i received sms the night before from hospital requesting for blood donation, since they dint have blood stock 4that time being for any emergency purposes. This was my 3rd time donating bloods since year 2000 heheh.. suppose that i donated earlier masa end Ramadhan as my mum sms me that her fren was in need of my blood type as the cousin need them for her operation, mlm sudah tu ahir almost 9pm..msatu me dwen n cnah balik dr rumah cKom, drop by khospital..den they said no need enough sudah.so what they did, they just asked for our fon numbers..me n Dwen volunteer la.. cDwen d next day i donated ani ia pun did jua..kan wen kan..mudahan org yg rcev our blood atu nda penyasak n bjabir mcm ktani hehehe..
4th Day of Raya-besides the 2 devilish alien.......hehehe....capie2 ni durg ah dbawa snapshot.. i guess at my cousin's crib.
I dun remember raya ke berapa. but it was at my love girlfren house at Rimba Hill.My fuel meter early this week hehe.. i am not aware of my fuel meter.. after work sudah sampai rumah baru nmpk d warning. den d next morning nda bali jua...coz my tot was..its a waste of time queueing atr d petrol station in d morning..so sudah balik kraja baru bali...

More pix will be uploaded to my multiply SOON.. soon nya atu ntah..next year kali heheh...
bah sakit kpala ku eh... i need more oxygen outside...
k bye ladies... mwahzzzz SALAM

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7 Rapids Weight Loss Tips

Rapid weight loss happens when you burn fat and cleanse toxins out of your body. You can do that several ways. Here are a few of them.

1. Use of a cleanse. Did you know you have at least seven or eight pounds of waste stored in your body? A cleanse works by removing toxins and waste from your body. For the quickest weight loss consider liquid cleanses.

2. Eat more often, but eat smaller portions. This will help you body metabolize the meal and not have the excess amount of fat which a larger meal often does.

3. Eat more protein. This will help your metabolism and burn fat more quickly. It will also help you build muscle.

4. Cut out soda pop. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday instead. Doing this one thing can really aid rapid weight loss by flushing toxins and helping build muscle.

5. Gradually begin to work out. The temptation is to start lifting weights and jogging everyday. Your body is probably not ready for this. Consult your physician before beginning any life changing work out routine.

6. Here is a killer for many people. You need to cut way back or eliminate alcohol. It is rich in sugar and carbohydrates and it actually aids in your body storing fat.

7. One last thing is to change it up a little. This includes your diet and your workout routine. Rapid weight loss is more effective when you stick with it. Starting and stopping diet and exercise is hard on your system.

Being consistent is good not only for rapid weight loss, but long term weight loss as well.

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