Well this is my 2nd official Kg Ayer Trip... 1st trip was last year with my other colleagues... though i grew up in Kg Ayer.. it never fails to impress me with the unique environment it has...
last year trip includes Ambuyat Feast at Kg Bolkiah, n today's trip includes play hide n seek with the proboscis monkey (lurus ka selling ku ah) simply bengkatan lah...
mode of transport in Kg Ayer.... Water Taxi
last year trip includes Ambuyat Feast at Kg Bolkiah, n today's trip includes play hide n seek with the proboscis monkey (lurus ka selling ku ah) simply bengkatan lah...
mode of transport in Kg Ayer.... Water Taxi
menyusur sungai Brunei... belakang Madewa/Bunut area... waiting n looking for Bengkatans... (proboscos monkey).. the monkeys seems hard to be approach much closer.. as i wanted to highlight its only n typical nose hehe.. but my brother said.. djambatan masuk simpang kami byk ni Bengkatan ah..jauh2 sja ku mnunggui dperahu di Kg Aying kekek
my childhood ugama school.. Sekolah Ugama Kg Saba.. the first and oldest school... went there in 1990-1992.. pra til darjah 2.... the oldestand first primary school (skulah melayu) where i went to as well was Lela Menchanai 'SMLM' Sekolah Melayu Lela Menchanai..now a history after the big inferno in the 90's
afterall.. i miss my childhood time in Kg Ayer.... trajun aing masin beramai-ramai, mengail katam damit pkai banang blilit paku, merayau ke bakut mncari-cari barang mainan, mbali aiskrim dkdai cKatik n kdai cina tua karit nda ku ingat namanya.. bklaie blusir dpail..handal bh blusir djmbatan ah... mliat org blawan main kikik..brabut mlusiri kikik putus, balik ugama curi2 mandi aing masin..pstu kan juluk kai kayu leh mama kna marahi haha... curi2 bjln mengayau ke kadai basar dPekilong Muara (nda ingat namanya)....n yang penting muhaku masatu pelikat itam rakat bkulat leh aing masin pakah hahah...