*Typical Bruneian *Pengusut *Double Trouble *willing to be adventurous *bad english grammar *started blogging using Friendster in 2006 *blog about ANYTHING *hate reading manuals *Major interest: Soto, Ambuyat & Sleeping *Photography, Shopping and other as minor interest *Wish to master in Photoshopping but babal *i wish i am someone..
Your Name Is Pretty Sexy! :) Your name scored 114 in the "How Sexy Is Your Name Test" |
“Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life”
something tragedic happened today! i was on my way home around 2.30-3.00pm. i was from Gadong and heading jalan Mulaut from Jangsak Kilanas. i was so 'bangang' that this boy try to get off from his bicycle and look back and left his bicycle. then i saw a dog barked and ran after him!. like what!!!! KESIANNN EHHHHH.... mcm i slowed down and honked [actually my intention to stop that dog from chasing him! but then now i realized that macam th anjing ani paham that we try to get his attention, crazy dog and stupid me!] anyway i was kabak2 brabisss dlm kepala imagine sudah what if the dog attack him??!! Then i think that boy prasan yang he caught my attention. yg ku tekajut the next thing happen he hit my car!!! front-right carboot dpn ku lah tu ah ertinya.. nasib jua ia menyebarang atu kereta sbalah ku slowdown udah awal x jua. i was tkajuttt.. BUH!! did my car hit him or he hit my car? kakinya nda tepihit tayar? so many questions in that very second. (just so u know, i was only about 10km/hr to a halt if not nauzubiilah by the time he hit mine) then he approaches to d door next to me. again my car was locked!! nda tantu2 lgi kn mnakan auto-unlocked i just reached d door n unlocked it. so he went in! n again i was confused, jalan or branti?. liat blakang mcm pnjg kreta. but i felt time stop for a few second msatu n i realized all eyes on me on my car... (hope nobody claims that i accidentally hit the boy).. so i just moved on.. and asked the boy.. are u ok? aku nda langgar kau kn? kau yg langgar kreta ku kn? (what a question???!!! but he nodded in pale n hardly breath, kapus2 jua ya) then i asked "kemana ko? dari mana? dmana ko tinggal? hari2 ko pkai basikal? krg ko balik cmana? krg anjing atu ngaga lgi? antah byk tanya aku atu but still i was shaking! den i stopped at Mulaut Abbatoir and made a turn to get back his bicycle. there was an old chinese man wondering rupanya whose bicycle and where he gone. so the boy went out and took his bike atupun mula2 takut coz that dog still there in front of a house but sitting down like stupid. rupanya its not a stray dog.. the old chinese couple's pet. they said SORRY balik2 and told they just dint know why the tali not attached. like im not interested to layan them... i just said can u help with the bike and put in dbelakang. so i sent the boy to Hasan (as he heading kesana for afternoon activities cadet or something, and hujan jua after that in a sudden) . msa ya sibuk masukkn basikal awal atu.. i try to ambil my handbag and stuff dbawah beg skulah nya tepihit. ckali beg nya basar n barat... again i wonder cmana ya blusir tdi dgn beg nya yg barat anii mcm beg komando baratnya.. KSIANNN EYYYYYYY...kesssiiiaaannnn brabis (at d same time ktakutan lah ku jua) while onway i gave him chocolate wafer suruh makan trying to calm him down. before he leaves i asked ada ko duit belanaja n he said nada. i took some coins dri laci and asked him to buy minuman. coz i was trying to give him air sudh dari awal but couldnt find it dlm kreta. as i remember ada air botol dlm kreta. its common to bawa minum air dlu in any cases happen. so he went out and salam n said terima kasih. still on my way home i was still kajar-kajar n kabak-kabak. macam drama bah d time when he hit my car. coz im still wondering what if i panic and accelerate my gear n org blakang branti mengajut n hit me. so many possibilties. (to asnwer ur question that boy lives in jangsak..ptg sja ia pkai basikal if ada activity, he is in form one and i never asked his name) to conclude im sure he is safe home after school and im safe to.
happy Mother's Day to all MAMAs, UMMIs, IBUs, MOMMies out there... especially to my MAMA and my girlfriends whos already become a mommy now... i just want to say that "a mother can raise and take care of her children... one, two or even twelve childrens... BUT the many children can hardly take care of their mother"... thats what i see nowadays... i dont say all, but some. hhmm... maybe i watched too much movies. To ALL MOMMIES... semoga Tuhan sentiasa melindungi mu..
and inside... taaddaaaaa~~~ nyum2...lain kali add on more chilli flakes ah... u know i love hot and spicy stuff hehe..udah th kna bagi..demand lebih lgi tu... hmmm i wish a bouquet of flowers on my desk, blueberry cheese cake, or A RING... buh melarat..mula tia fairy tales atuuu (in fact we r all human full of dreams and princess fairy tales). ok ok get back to work!!!!!
anyway see that pix above heheh.. i saw it on one of my colleagues's shoulder... i was shocked like "eh wang, knapa baju mu atu, kna cincau leh anak mu ka?, pndai dah anakmu migang pen kn?" hehehhe.. rupanya apanah.. he scratched his back using his pen... click-on-off-pen yatah didn't realize the pen atu on ON-Mode hehehe...
moral of the story: to men and women out there, careful when you touch your back... or else pakai dark-colour attire hehehe walaupun nyaman begaru ani wekeke...
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