Went to colleague's Nikah ceremony this afternoon, because i will not be coming to her wedding this sunday, as i have to attend my cousin's wedding also. So to the bride and the groom... Selamat Pengantin Baru, semoga jodoh kekal hingga ke akhir hayat dan sentiasa dalam lindungan Allah selalu. Congratulations Mahani and Faizul.
Last night, went dinner with my brother and one of my girlfriend [while others could't make it *sigh*] at Excapade Gadong. Gf made pre-booking, but still when we got there [20 mins late, due to 'tabiat' and parking difficulties] we had to queue [at the waiting room, wonder how much the rental pay for the small waiting room furnished with a large on-wall flat screen tv, i guess Excapade really make money] since it was FULLLLLL! as in mcm perayaan shall i say. and i forgot maybe it was because payday period jua. while waiting we think of moving to another place like Sushi tei or Misato or KFC... dengan penuh kesabaran we manage to go in the crowd. mun tani ramai2 girls siukkkk bah menambah keriuhan. so its all depicted from the picture.
1 comment:
Hahaha... Bnr tu Sur. Inda jua kanyang2 tu ah. Partner in Makan kali ah.... Lain kali lagi ah. hehehe.. n to MAhani Congrats.. We r happy 4u
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