1- i am now at home sedang brehat-rehat.. my kaki was so sakit panat n numb.. [baru jua abis beurut with my amah pkai minyak panas]..why? bcoz i was involved in d march pass this morning at Padang BSB. of all these days i spent my weeks in Bandar with my team for the practise n today i wore my heels... hahaha knapa ya tu ah.. coz biasa pkai sport attire n tadi pkai national dress code so of course la pkai heels. since im confident that i am comfortable with my heels during my working days so why not... skali cubatah tah nah bjln sebandar. as usual we were dropped at d buses parking area in front of Royal Regalia, then we walked straight to Jln Kianggeh to get ready 4d march pass.. then bla bla jln sana cni smpi area bndar kyayasan n such n then balik...aarrgghhh i feel like i want to sit down on d road n sumbody 'kipak' me to d bus balik hehhe..
2-Some of my friends saw me on tv last night in the Berita Brunei. they sms me n msn me with iskiness, so well as my colleagues tdi with their iskiness telling me im on tv. basically, while waiting along d roadside 4 march pass to start.. there was Rtb interviewers n cameraman jln-jln cari mangsa ishall say heheh.. kita tengok sapa yg kenaa.. haha tkana aku lah!!! mun kwn2 ku btempiaran lari mcm bgi malu jua ah nda professional as govt officer n as org Brunei, so aku merelakan diriku la. Technically i dont listen to the question haha coz im nervous n panic jua coz they shot question n tarus on d camera nada rehearsal lgi. d questions sounds "apakah aspirasi biskita sempena kemerdekaan bla bla bla..." then i quote with a lot of pause n aaaaaa... :p "saya bla bla dari bla bla [as they requested to introduce myslef there] mengharapkan anak muda /remaja Brunei menjadi -eerrgghhhh i 4got!-" well d idea was remaja kita spya menyambung n mngekalkan tradisi kita sbagai org brunei n mpertahankn budi bahasa kita n menjadi warga yg kompetitif n pelapis negara dmasa akan dtg dlm membangunkan negara sndiri.. anyhow on my actual quote was more simple words im using n sentences was ups n down haha dlm pala hutak naning mkirkn words yg bsesuaian n in trend hehe.. anyway i did it..
for more pictures that day u may just click here on my fren's hubby multiply... [ada pix ku sana haha]
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