back on the scene!
2,3 hari ani people goin crazy over the shopping spree n spruce up for hari raya.. (typical last minute preparation for the upcoming family hari raya events)
im d one who supposedly not in d mood of raya pun kinda spirited up jua ikut nyuping coz need2buy some stuffs jua rquested by my mum... and as u all know.. (for the shoppersholic 4d dis season la)..we spent more time driving n queuing on d road (as well as lookng 4 proper carpark). especially during payday yesterday (saturday 21 oct)... if it was not bcoz my mum need my company, i wont bother to jalan n spent my head to d crowd n heat on d road...klurusan lgi hari panas, wic shows d real puasa zone.
it includes me jua tdi (antara org2 yg memanuhi kadai dbrunei ani) hehehe.. i went out at 11.30am tadi to do my hair @JoeJen, Huaho Gdg.. wic was no intention for raya though, honestly. coz i promised 2myself jua 2do hair treatment dis oct. coz i hav a bad hair structure all over from roots 2d tips.. DRY n pacah2 !!.. (oily scalp) cana kn tu combination atu?.. n i did perm my lower hair mid-sept last month..wic surely makes d strands worse. but happen tdi..i dint jes do d treatment.. i highlited it plg (it was my 1st thought after did my perm, tpi bcome 2nd thought wen ada pihak2 yg mlarang n mmbantah bout colouring hair n stuff ani, my last highlited project was sometime last yr 2005, march kali, only tinggal at d very tips of my hair sja (after being trimmed few times jua)..
hair project tdi siang. not sure apa colour code nya. but not d one yg too light theme.. kira dark reddish goldish wateva..sumtin yg nda brapa mnonjol..(d idea was spya nda ketara in d 1st place hehe .. but sure do..after few washings it will b getting obvious
after done wit d colouring.. i rquested 4treatment.. but im late she offered d 10 minutes colour treatment.. overall.. i spent like almost 2and a half hour..sampat jua tetidur time blow-dry d hair..
done w that.. balik..byk lagi singgah menyingah bali bits n pieces of brg dapur.. n i bump into my so-called secretary *DWEN* (hahah.. dat was ur idea Viv )... dsupasave mabohai.. im in a rush ia pun mcm in a rush..n thank you fren u bought me daun limau purut d pasar
ok gotta to stop now..its 1.40am brunei time..coming 2d last day of Puasa *isk..iskk..* sedih jua ni last puasa ani..batah to go another ramadhan.. atupun klu pnjg umur.
Jes to blog it in.. d newmoon was apparently nda nmpk, so raya will proceed on tuesday 24th oct 2006- "semoga puasa kita tahun ini di terima oleh NYA, dberkati n drahmati hidup ktani, dmakbulkn sgala doa n hajat kita semua AMIN !!" *sedeyy ku eh*
p/s: to all our gurls.. Dwen n me proposing on creating one BLOG page (for us), once it done..each of us will share d id n nda pyh lg buka indvdual blog thru FS ani.. k tu ah.. yg kn share d pswd do mlapor arh DWEN hahaha.. u again Wen :p (so its strictly for -Me, Dwen, Vv, Ckom, Hany, Cnah, Ejat) amoy n gmah?? dun think dey do..nnti th udh durg jdi antu tenet jua .
ok cau cin cau.
This post was originally created on
DATE: 10/22/2006 10:55:29 AM
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