1st of all 1000 appologies to my gurlz lastnite 4cancelling our movie time. we suppose 2b watching 300 lastnite.. since d typical Gadong traffic jam was killing my mood. well.. actually i asked my bro 2drop me @ Mall, coz it'll influence badly to my so pengusut emo if i were 2look 4car park by my own. so i arrived around 820pm. coz the movie we bookd at 930pm. i plan having my dinner wit them dlu, wic im sooo tseliurrr mkn Deep Fried Mushroom@SwensenS.. so i dcided cancelling d movie, we all met around 935 plg kalau kn dkira sampat plg tu mliat. but aku LAPARRR.. i last ate around 9am yesterday coz bz bz bz gilaa. mbagii kn marah x ah lapar ani.. kn kn kn Wen Nah hehe.. cdwen kana leh ku ku marahi while SMSing wit her.. luan kn bcali. bosan ku nunggu sorg2 dmall like... org single.. haha andang jua single. last2 dduk d kfc nunggu any of dem whoever turn up 1st. luckily cnah dlu dtg. atupn ia park d centrepoint ktanya.
SwensenS scene: i ordered seafood blackpepper pasta.. it taste soo tawar i cn say. ntah ah mood nda baik x n iwas hungry like i ate 2/3 of it. a glass of Ice lemon tea (tawarr jua).. n d Deep Fried Mushroom (wic in d end btapau nda abis coz knyang, mcm nda byk kurg nya, syg jua dtinggalkn). cNah orderd Teriyaki Pasta.. sama jua not dat nyaman.. mcm tawar2an bah.. ckom also complained her Ice Cappucino ka ice chocolate.. dat she later asked 4 syrup to add on d taste.. antah eh hari tawar sedunia pakah.. (4got 2snapshot on our food, biar tia wah sma jua nda mnyelerakan).. and since every1 seems kanyang atu x xcept me kbuluran..
Dis Morning: aku semangat wah masak Nasi Goreng, coz tseliur kelmarin mliat nsi goreng cornbeef d kantin(tpi skubit cornbeef nya).. b4 tdo i put a notice on a paper to my anti (housemaid).. suruh sdiakan brg n ingredients n yg dperlukan. hehe tau masak sj malas mnyediakann. well dats my Nasi Goreng CornBeef in d kuali.. nyamann eh krasahan bh daging nya coz i use yg cornbeef Cartier brand tin bulat warna kuning wic cost
$4+..nda blamak bnr compare to d other cornbeef products (can u see d colour in d pix, kbalasan sapak cornbeef ku atu.. Baik hati ku ari ani prepare d breakfast.. (kes batah dh nda masak) n
i prepared Cucur Ubi Manis. simply pkai tepung tuk goreng pisang hehe, out of d box n mix wit recommended amount of water, to add more flavor i add on bits of salt n spoon of sugar. biasalah..apa2 ani nda manis nda nyaman.
Ok Chow cin cau dulu.. kn ngmbil cucur dbawah kn munching2. padat plg udh parut eaten 2 plates of d fried rice hehe. mcm mengantuk.. its 1130am/noon now.. sleep jua lpas ani eh...
This a bit longer post was created on
DATE: 03/10/2007 06:11:22 PM
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