yuuhhuuu~~ hehe.. jez reach home after seeing my gurls, had our sungkai today Monday, 16th Oct 2006 @ Emperor's Court, HuaHo Manggis. Guess what, as usual me n dwen are among d late comers heheh.. jgn
mare gurlz.. but not sure among them sapa dlu datang. guess gmah n vv. Attendance was only 6 out of 7.. Me, dwen, vv, cnah, cKom & gmah. whos not coming?.. Amoy
!! we tried to call b4 d 'baduk' catching up. no answer! n few minutes after, while we were oredi enjoying our dishes.. we tried calling her up again n she rejected it. n she sms us telling us that she cudnt make it, sumtin came up. we're not really sure why. well, i sent her sms few minutes b4 i rport on this bloggie...asking why she cannot make her way to us.. *im waiting* still havent receivd her reply as yet
. Hany doesnt do follow up wit us, and Ejat stil under bpantang 2week ago branak..(hows d baby?)..where's our baby Nah? hehe
Btw.. the sungkai buffet was at $18.90 per head. cKom was very dissappointed i guess... having not much selection on the menu and dishes offered. i have no comment on that heheh.. kira cukup lah..since really wanna try dat place, but im really TSELIUR mango cheese cake, its not available dsana. lpas sungkai nda tliur kn mkn lg since FULL n SANAK udh parut .. planned 2get d cake 2moro..dmana ah? Mum's? Le Apple? Sweet Deli?
hey, not forgetting.. d ice lemon tea was verryyyyy NYAMAN! like me vv n dwen had it refill few times *sluurrppp*.. thruout d dine in sperti biasalah 'KAYPOH' hehehe..so many stories to catch up n updated. errmm... gossip? affair? workload? family? finance? babies n hubby? (note: those yg married nda bwa hubby durg) u name it..its like we talked about all aspects in life *as we grow up* we come across soo many things udah kn and luckily we still survived thru d pain..*apakannn..* jgnth ckp benda sedih nah! ok..ok.. welll yang CALI nya.. our last topic while smua sedang merehatkn parut2 yg sudh kanyang heheh..apanah? when we try to recall how r we related n bcome FRIENDS up till today.. 4me n VV -top rank- since primary 5 udah.. me, vv n gmah since secondary school form 2 (practically psl seklas skulah ugama), me n dwen since form 6th.. d friend-chain from 6th form anith yg complicated ni.. but *amazing* me n dwen clasmate ESL, dwen n VV classmate MOB, cnah n Dwen AE/BE, cnah n vv 'PS', gmah n cKom 'eco' yakah? cnah n gmah Maths, yakah? hehe me n cnah-NONE, me n cKom - None, infact vv n cnah-NONE, to add on >> me, amoy n dwen ESL, me n ejat n hany n robyn Accounting.., well i started realize d existence of cKom wen we worked as part timer d DST yyasan while waiting for A Level results :) . hmmm... adangtah..nda ku ingat lg. its just a funny relationship n it works, we fit in to each other -F.R.I.E.N.D.S- i'll be there for youu....~~
cKOM: dun 4get to update ur friendster..we need the PICS for us to 'grabbed'... jgn galat..smpai ke parking basement bh we took our shots. nda mau2nya pkai timer snapshot..sapa pakarnya tu?! *paham-paham ler sapa* like we place d camera on d top front car booth.. n there we were *CLICK!!*
<< tu nah sapa punya kraja tukang setting auto timer shot...wehehehhe jgn marah dang.. i dun mention ur name.. apanya c VV "nice butt" nyummmmm2...
bwoh.. mcm i blogged to much udh..shall i stop? i shud! bh d rest keep ur diary on jua..anytin tertinggal u guys highlight in ur blogs.
*** Amoy replied me oredi... inform u guys next time *personal*
Love, SUR...
This post was originally posted on
DATE: 10/16/2006 07:44:37 AM
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